Please note that our prices have recently changed. All sessions booked before the change will be billed at the previous rate.

If you do not see a time that works for you, please add yourself to the waitlist and we’ll try to get you in as soon as someone cancels!

Rolfing® Structural Integration

Rolfing® Structural Integration is a somatic practice that uses intentional touch and movement to reshape, align, and balance the body. Rolfing uses a whole-system approach to enhance ease of movement, body efficiency, and general well being. More specifically, Rolfing systematically addresses the entire body by manipulating its network of soft connective tissue. This tissue, known as fasci... Read More

Rolfing® Structural Integration is a somatic practice that uses intentional touch and movement to reshape, align, and balance the body. Rolfing uses a whole-system approach to enhance ease of movement, body efficiency, and general well being.

More specifically, Rolfing systematically addresses the entire body by manipulating its network of soft connective tissue. This tissue, known as fascia, gives the body its form. Over time, gravity, injuries, and day-to-day use often cause patterns of tension and strain. Undesirable patterns can lead to discomfort and pain that range from annoying to disabling. These patterns are released as the practitioner slowly applies directed pressure through hands-on touch and cueing specific movements. The body, through its own wisdom, reorganizes! Alignment improves throughout a Rolfing series as the practitioner work client together to release and reposition the connective tissue network.

Massage Therapy

Each session for massage is tailored to the needs, preferences, and goals of the client. Sasha tends to blend her styles and techniques, resulting in a customized massage that is deeply relaxing, comfortable, and structurally-minded.
Modalities in her “toolbox” include: Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial, tigger point, CranioSacral, structural integration

TMJ (Jaw) Massage

For those suffering from TMJ or other jaw issues, these targeted sessions are available. Sessions are designed to promote better jaw function and alignment, release tension, and address imbalances in the jaw, neck and shoulders. Some work may be performed inside the mouth to release more severe jaw tension.

Prenatal Massage

Therapeutic bodywork during pregnancy focuses on the special needs of the birthing person as their body goes through the dramatic changes of the childbirth experience. Massage therapy enhances the function of muscles and joints. It also greatly improves circulation, general body tone, and can relieve mental, physical, and emotional fatigue. Bodywork can ease pain and discomfort associated with ... Read More

Therapeutic bodywork during pregnancy focuses on the special needs of the birthing person as their body goes through the dramatic changes of the childbirth experience. Massage therapy enhances the function of muscles and joints. It also greatly improves circulation, general body tone, and can relieve mental, physical, and emotional fatigue. Bodywork can ease pain and discomfort associated with pregnancy and is useful for folks in all stages of pregnancy, including postpartum. It enhances range of movement and circulation, reducing problems associated with swelling, including varicose veins and cramps.

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Marin County Office - San Anselmo
Located at: 330 Sir Francis Drake Blvd STE D, San Anselmo
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